Phoebe Goes Home All the Way to Connecticut!
April 5th, 2017 3:33 pm     A+ | a-
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Phoebe was a transfer from a neighboring county's Animal Control.  She was sweet and beautiful but scared and nippy, and a volunteer took on the task of socializing her.  She worked with Phoebe repetiviely and Phoebe's personality began to come up.  It took a couple months, but she warmed up to not only people, but other pets.  A fabulous couple saw Phoebe online and their heart melted.  They drove all the way from Connecticut to Georgia to find their girl!  Phoebe has learned she loves snow, being by her new daddy's side on the sofa, and her new friend, their grandson, whom she gives kisses to regularly!  Phoebe went from the pound to living the dog's perfect life, and we couldn't be happier for her!
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