Bentley Gets Long-Awaited Adoption
March 31st, 2017 8:56 pm     A+ | a-
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Bentley was a special resident at our shelter, unfortunately, for far too long.  A very sweet and friendly guy, Bentley kept being overlooked by visitor after visitor.  Maybe because he was a black dog, which is often the last to be adopted at shelters...(We don't know why - they are beautiful!  Just statistically true).  Maybe because he was a big guy. Maybe because it just took awhile for the right person to see him and be matched.  Finally, after 15 long months. Bentley was adopted by a loving family.  We had always said he was practically perfect, but occasionally we are corrected.  According to his new family, he is not almost, but completely "PERFECT". We happily stand corrected. We should also note that his family is totally in love with their perfect boy.
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