Little Opie Finds Big Love
February 21st, 2017 12:36 am     A+ | a-
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Our happy wiggle-butt Opie was in nonstop motion once he realized that he was about to go home. The blurry mass of excitement was doing his best to cover his mom's face in kisses before starting the journey home to Charleston SC. We couldn't be happier for this little guy.  We especially love follow-ups, and his new mom, Kim Allen, sent us updated pictures and had this to say about her new furbaby: "I'm Opie's mom! He and I are so happy that we found each other! He is filled with nothing but pure love. I will be forever thankful for finding him. I also decided to change his name to Henry."   Well, Henry or Opie, he looks very loved and very happy, and that's what counts!
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